#39 Alyssha, Gabe and Gwilym

This is our wild Queer bed.

Gwilym (2) likes to bring in diggers, trucks, and baby Percy to visit.

We are still defining our new family. It’s cute and hard work creating a model that works for us. Gwilym has many wonderful people in his life that make up his rainbow family.

Queer femme, feminist, single parent meets queer, toy collecting, transman and now apprentice parental figure. We are in a committed negotiated open relationship (not poly) and have cute conversations about our future and celebrating our future anniversaries across the globe together.

We can marry legally but it’s incomprehensible that many of our friends and community don’t even have that as a possibility.



BED38 Isha, Sharon, Shani and Snow


BED40 Reverse Butcher