#45 Beverley, James and Oscar

I met Leesa and Marg when I photographed them for the In Bed Project. (see bed 31) Shortly after their photo session  I was contacted by Beverley, Leesa’s mum. Both Beverley and James wanted to show their support for Marriage Equality and for their daughters’ choices and rights.

Sometimes in life you meet people that touch your heart. Beverley and James did just that. They are beautiful souls and Leesa is very lucky to have such supportive parents.  So many young LGBTI people suffer the loss of loved ones when they come out. We need more people like Beverley and James in our world.

Here is Beverley’s story.

Leesa has found her own way in life. James and I chose to let her do this. Although it has been hard at times. She has found a partner of her own choice and is very happy. We are very proud to have Margaret as part of our family. It is pleasing to see they are so happy and devoted to each other and they also have a beautiful son. Plus, we have a very handsome Grandson. Spike Jimmy George. We love you all very much.



BED44 Katherine, Roanne and Nicholas


BED46 Andrew, Anna and family