#62 Katie

I’ve had many beds in my life; snuggled between sheets in faraway lands and shared myriad pillows with lovers and friends. My bed is not just for sleeping, it’s also for scrawling. I am a journalist and spend my days at a keyboard weaving story about ordinary people with extraordinary lives but by night I perch, pen and notebook in hand, musing about life and love.

The one story I most look forward to writing will be penned on the day my best friend Nathan is able to marry the man of his dreams – right here in Australia.

When I was growing up my parents educated me about the joys of love and acceptance. Their marriage didn’t last, many don’t, but at least they had the chance to give it their best shot. I wish the same for all. Vows swapped between two loving adults of any gender, should be celebrated. It’s time.


Bed63 Councillor Robert Simms