#83 Sacha, Anna, Mabel and Juno

Our Story:
Mabel (9) asked us this morning how we met. “Well, I had been living in Melbourne for a few years and I only knew one gay person. So, I joined a website for lesbians”.

“Did you meet on a dating website?” her eyebrows go up and she tries not to smirk. “No. I just wanted some friends who were gay and it seemed like a good way to meet some. So, I joined up. I found mum. Her profile said she liked wine and Ani Difranco…. “And you like both those things, so that was enough” says Juno (6).

“Thats right, it was enough. So, I sent her a message and we chatted online for a few days. First it was just friendly funny chats then it was lovey dovey I really like you kind of chats. Then we met in person and drank beer at a bar. Not long after that Mum moved in with me and a little while after that we decided to have a baby. “That was me!” says Mabel. “Yes, it was. Then we decide to have another baby. “That was me!” says Juno.

Our story has so much more flesh to it than a ten-minute conversation while getting ready for school. We have so many stories, inside jokes, memories, dear friends, pseudo family, estranged family, close family, work colleagues, movies watched, songs sung, dinners cooked, mountains of laundry, dusty knick knacks, a cranky rabbit called kewpie and a tiny, foxy dog called Hazel.

When talking about achieving a big task my dear Nan used to say, “Don’t look at all you have to do, just take it one little bit at a time and it will get done.”

The Marriage Equality debate feels a little bit like that. So many of us for so long have been doing our little bits, piece by piece chipping away at the big task. It feels like we are almost done and that is pretty freakin’ exciting.


Bed82 Louarna, Heather and Donny


Bed84 Elizabeth and Taryn